Do you know where you are heading?
Let's face it, how are you going to get to that place of your dreams if you don't even know where it is??
With some simple steps and guidance, I want to help you map out your journey in life. I will give you some valuable tools, strategies, techniques and resources for you to start living your life on your terms and reaching your dreams as fast as possible.
Before we start, think about this for a second:
When was the last time you went on a work-related off-site/kick-off/event? For most people it was during the last year. On the agenda during these kind of events are normally teambuilding and creating a plan for the year/years ahead. This is great as the company has realized it's much easier to reach their goals if all employees are familiar with the goals and how they are contributing to reaching their goals....
Now my question to you is: when was the last time you went away on a weekend trip with your family to plan your goals?
Weird question? I actually don't think so. What I mean is, you go away with work to plan the future of the organization you are working for but do you do the same thing for your own life? I am guessing no (very few people I have asked have done this). Did you know that less than 1/3 of your life is actually spent working (you don't work when you are a kid, nor when you have retired or on weekends)? So why do we spend time planning for the success of the organization we are working for but not for the success of our own families and reaching our own dreams and goals in life??
Think about that again for a second before we move on… You set goals, you dedicate your spare-time to plan and execute for someone else (your boss and/or your company) to reach their goals BUT neglect YOUR OWN life and the life of YOUR family?!
Well, you are not alone... I did the same thing for a long time but that has now changed and I know my priorities!
I have realized how important it is to know where I am heading, else, only luck will take me there and I don’t want to rely on luck alone.
What is important to you in your life?
By being persistent with my goals and working in a structured and dedicated way to get there, I am 100% sure that there will be a lot of “luck” showing up along the way. Since I am seeking variation and opportunities (my subconscious mind knows it is important to me) "luck" is showing up in my life all the time and I am so grateful for it. At the same time, I am absolute certain that it would not happen very frequently if I were to spend hours every day in front of a TV or social media (unless it is to add value to this platform)…. So take a moment and just sit down for yourself to think about what is really important in your life and your family's. Just by becoming aware, you are taking the first step!
Some people are very transparent and outspoken about their goals and dreams and some are not. There are different theories for both sides. Personally I have decided to do a bit of both. By being open about it, it puts some pressure on me to actually deliver on my word. At the same time, some of my goals are personal and therefore I have decided not to share them You should of course do what motivates you the most, be it very outspoken or just keeping your visions and goals to yourself.
The key thing is to make your goals individual and challenging enough for you to stretch yourself in order to reach them as that is how we grow as human beings.
How to go about reaching your dreams?
If you do share your goals publicly, you should be aware that most likely there will be people around you who will question your ability to reach them. Prepare yourself by finding a new "tribe" of like-minded people who will inspire and motivate you. This could be in the form of a mastermind group, accountability group or similar. I would also suggest you to have a look at my post on Brainwashing. It is a very powerful concept I personally used before completely transforming my life and one that I continue to use on a daily basis.
What I also recommend you to do is to check out the information under our Resources page as I think a lot of the information gathered there can be very useful.
Other brilliant tools to use (purposefully of course) are YouTube and Podcasts. Use them to massively consume information from your role models and other people you want to be inspired and influenced by. They're free and so easily accessible that it's crazy not to use them all the time as long as it it is done purposefully!!
Let your role models be your source of inspiration, listen to them every day when commuting to work/walking the dog/running etc. That's something I will always do and it can be very empowering and inspiring to have someone to listen to who tells you it is possible! You just have to keep on going, be resourceful and never ever quit (just constantly evaluate), even when it gets though because that, my friends, is how we become a success!
So let's get to it and it starts here and now with just you and me!
Next steps will be for your to do all of this with your partner or family but one step at the time... In our lives there are many aspects of great importance and we should have goals in all of them. The only difference is that some of the goals are with us all the time whilst others are more in focus during certain periods of time. However, in the end we do need harmony in our lives to live a truly happy, healthy and fulfilling!
“If you talk about it, it's a dream, if you envision it, it's possible, but if you schedule it, it's real.”
- Tony Robbins
Let's take the first steps towards reaching your dreams and a life on your terms!

Step 1 - reflection and contemplation
I want you to schedule 1-2 hours for yourself to spend at a nice, relaxing and comfortable place where you will not be disturbed (like a nice hotel or similar). I then want you to go there with a notebook, your computer and read my short e-book: "Where am I heading" (which will only take 1-2 hours). By following the instructions in this short book, you will easily be able to reflect upon what you want out of your life.
Following the instructions is instrumental and you really have to spend some time reflecting, contemplating and writing down your thoughts. Afterwards, when you have written down and reviewed your own thoughts and reflections, you should have a pretty telling picture about what it is that is truly important to you.
Step 2 - dream and visualize
Set aside another couple of hours (just schedule it - it is your life we are talking about!) and decide upon a place where you can sit down in a peaceful and creative environment. When you go there, make sure to bring your computer and a notebook.
It's then time to create your own vision board! To get some inspiration and more information, have a look at my posts on How to create your own vision board and Why you must have a vision board! When you have read those posts, just follow these simple steps:
- Use your imagination and your notebook and just write down whatever comes to mind in terms of your dreams/goals/visions and remember there are NO LIMITATIONS! You can spend as much time as you want on this so do take your time.
- When the dreaming and writing is over, turn to our friend Google and search for whatever words/things you wrote down in your notebook as your dreams and goals and then create your own vision board! You can use any tool you want like Pinterest, the Subliminal Vision Boards, Word or PowerPoint. Personally, I have settled for PowerPoint. For more inspiration, check out this post on creating an appealing future for Nicaraguan kids which we did by helping these kids to dream and then create individualized vision boards.
- Make sure you now have all your dreams for all areas of your life on your vision board. I recommend you to use it as the background picture on your phone as well as computer and spend time every day looking at it and visualizing yourself reaching your dreams and already having achieved those things you desire! The more you look at your vision board, the faster it will happen!
Remember, there are NO limitations to your dreams and visions, only the ones you set yourself so bring out that mindset of a kid and dream BIG! You then have to make sure that your vision board is part of your daily morning routines so that it gets imprinted to your subconscious mind. I also recommend to check out these posts from the great Napoleon Hill: Burning Desire, Faith and Autosuggestion.
Step 3 - Setting your goals
This is the step where we start planning your new life so let's schedule a couple of hours (ideally half a day) and find that peaceful, tranquil and creative space again (maybe same as last time). This part is similar to the kick-off you went to with work last time but now it is your and your family's life we are planning for! Bring your notebook and your computer with you and when you are ready, follow these steps:
- When you found your perfect spot and before you get started, look at your desktop background picture (your vision board). You did put it there as the background picture, right? If not, do it right away.
- Look at your pictures and dream for a few minutes as I want you to have these visions and goals in your mind when you go to the next step.
- Then click on this link and download our Goal Setting Sheet. It's a very simple Excel-structure which gives you a good oversight and lets you plan both for the long as well as for the short term. Start with the full overview tab. If you want you can modify the different areas to better suit your goals and dreams. You should not use the individual tabs at this point so just let them be for now.
- Now, just let your mind get into "flow state" and write down what it is that you really want to (ideally must) have or experience in your life over the next few years. Remember that there are NO LIMITATIONS besides from the ones you impose on yourself, so bring out that mindset of a kid again! This step should be linked to your vision board which you created earlier as this is the step which will help you reach your dreams, visions and goals. It's the ladder to success!
Once you are done, you will have a great overview of what it is that you really want to accomplish in different areas of your life. I bet it is becoming really exciting and that you are keen to start going for those dreams of yours! Remember to look at your vision board as often as you can as autosuggestion is amazing and will work in your favor!!
When you have finished the Goal Setting Sheet, I think you deserve to celebrate! Make sure you do something nice for yourself as you are making great progress!
NEXT: Part 2 - Refine your Goals
Knowing where you want to go is a good start, now it's time to get going.
In Part 2 we will teach you a structured and refined way of finetuning and breaking down your goals, ensuring a clear and meaningful progress.
That is how you start gaining momentum!