Credit cards can be disastrous but they can also be amazing if you use them to your advantage! If you use them in a crazy way, they will cost you an arm and a leg and most likely headache, anxiety and stress. Face you fear, take control and use them to your advantage instead. It can be worth thousands of dollars!
Learners are Earners and Earners are Learners!
Learners are Earners and Earners are Learners and the ones who know the least tend to pay the most! I want you to be both a learner and a high earner. In this post I will give you a few clear examples of what and how being a learner or not affects our daily lives and what to do about it!
Get a financial toolbox to serve you – for the rest of your life!
By having a financial toolbox and an understanding of how to use the tools to your advantage, you can become financially free. That means you can have the lifestyle you really want!
Would you hire a carpenter with no tools in their toolbox? One with a full toolbox but who has no clue how to use them? I would not and I guess you would not either. The same goes with investments. You first need to get the tools (understand them) and then look at what you want to do/build and access what tools (investments) to use to get there and enjoy the journey!
Why Warren Buffett recommends Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)
The oracle from Omaha, has dedicated his life to investing in the financial markets and it has made him a multi billionaire. When he passes, he wants his trust to invest his money in a low cost Exchange Traded Fund (ETF). He knows that most investors will NEVER beat the market and high fees (mutual funds) will have a massive impact over the long run. Keeping your costs down and spreading your risks but still being an owner and not just a consumer will most likely improve the quality of your life massively when you retire.
Think and Grow Rich – Principle 5: Imagination
“Man’s only limitation, within reason, lies in his development and use of his imagination.” – Napoleon Hill
We all choose how and to what extent we use our imagination but everything we accomplish in life, starts as one thought. Our mind is the most valuable asset we have but most of us only use a fraction of it’s capacity. Imagination is the gem of all gems…