What property investment strategy to use can be a tricky question to answer but in this post I will try to help you make that decision. I will go through a variety of strategies (the most common ones) and give you my comments as to why and when they might work best and their pros and cons. As with the previous posts, I will apply the terminology used in the
Having a property investing Power Team is something that makes sense if you intend to invest in properties. This post is a follow-up on the previous posts in this series on investing in properties abroad with a focus on the UK. If you have not yet read the previous posts, you might want to start from the beginning with this post: Property as an investment? – It’s up to you!
We all have a story and often we keep on telling ourselves the same story over and over again. This story is called our life! Unless you change your story, your life will not change. I am ready for change, are you? Limiting beliefs? Most of us have some limiting beliefs (yes, I do too) and unless we face them and challenge them, nothing will change and they will continue
Property investments in the UK might be interesting regardless of where you live. As you probably know by now I don’t live in the UK but have started a couple of property investment companies in the UK. In this post I intend to go through in more detail why I chose the UK and why property investments in the UK is suited to international investors like you and me. The
Let’s be clear that the below is not to be thought of as financial advise but my personal opinions at this very moment. That aside, I do believe investing in Bitcoin might be one of the most interesting assets at the current moment and for a variety of reasons. I have been a sceptic for a long time and most likely that is due to my lack of understanding (which
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What Property investment Strategy to use??

What property investment strategy to use can be a tricky question to answer but in this post I will try to help you make that decision. I will go through a variety of strategies (the most common ones)...
Having a Property investing Power Team!

Having a property investing Power Team is something that makes sense if you intend to invest in properties. This post is a follow-up on the previous posts in this series on investing in properties abr...
How to CHANGE YOUR STORY and always be motivated!

We all have a story and often we keep on telling ourselves the same story over and over again. This story is our life! Unless we change our story, our lives will not change...
I am ready for change...
Why property investments in the UK?

Property investments in the UK might be interesting regardless of where you live. As you probably know by now I don't live in the UK but have started a couple of property investment companies in the U...
Why invest in Bitcoin now??

Investing in Bitcoin might be one of the most interesting assets at the current moment and for a variety of reasons. I have been a sceptic for a long time and most likely that is due to my lack of und...
Property as an investment? – It’s up to you!

Property as an investment or not is what we are going to discuss in today’s post! We’ll go through why properties as an investment might be a great way to financial wealth and financial fr...
Fixed or Floating rate on my mortgage?

This is a question every homeowner is faced with sooner or later. Your lender will offer (or try to sell you) a fixed or a floating rate mortgage and you will have to make a decision, a decision which...
Need a deposit to secure a mortgage?

This is based on a conversation I had with a friend the other day which got me thinking…
Many of us are considering moving to a bigger (or just more expensive) place but the challenge is often havi...
Getting back into momentum – hacks to working from home!

This post on how to get back in to momentum which I wrote down when I felt I was not as focused as I should have been and felt a bit unmotivated. These are a few of the tips I came up with and they wi...
Be an owner, not just a consumer – ditching FOMO/FOPO!

Becoming and owner and not just a consumer can serve you for live. Being a consumer only can keep you in chains for life, the choice is yours so ditch FOMO/FOPO and start living life on your terms. In...
How the rich think about a big purchase

There is a significant difference between how the rich and other people look at big purchases. They use a completely different mindset when they approach a big purchase and that is one of the reason t...
Think and Grow Rich – Principle 7: Decisions

The ability to make fast decisions and change them slowly is a quality of successful people and leaders. Train yourself to gain momentum and confidence.
We are making numerous decisions every day, man...