It’s always interesting to read and learn from people who are extremely successful in their own field but what is even more fascinating is that regardless of their field there are so many common factors to which they believe they owe their success! In this post, we are presenting fifteen of their most important successful habits so make sure you pay full attention in order to make the right moves
We can all be in full control over our days and when we are it feels great as we get the most important things done without stress! We have all had days where we wonder were all the time went and why we got so few things done. Unfortunately this is very common and in particular if you don’t make sure you have your priorities right and a daily focus!
By using the concept of No Extra Time (NET) you can use your time wisely, learn much more and much faster whilst actually enjoying the process! The NET-concept comes from Tony Robbins and I find it great and yet so simple it is insane that we don’t use it all the time. By using our “dead time” we can learn and grow at the same time! Or we can actually
If you are not in control over your monkey mind, it will control you and your life! Monkey mind or brain chatter is that never-ending inner dialogue most of us experience. For some it is much more severe than for others. I used to have mine switched on to 110% and could not make it stop which made it extremely stressful and annoying. I now want to share a few
Imagine that are at a very loud concert when you suddenly hear your name and immediately your brain reacts to your name whilst everything else is just loud noise (no other words become clear as the music is so loud). Still, you heard your name! This is your Reticular Activating System at work! The definition from Wikipedia goes: “The reticular formation in our brain consists of more than 100 small
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