I want you to eat healthy and live a long and happy life and what is better than knowing that you will have both your health and money in your account when retirement comes?!!! Just be smart about where you do your grocery shopping and pocket the difference. The difference I see per month is 180 USD and if that instead were to be invested every month for the next 30 years and the average return is 10% per annum, we are talking about a potential 355,000 USD to your retirement fund!
Why we don’t eat wheat
You might have noticed that we try to avoid gluten in our lifestyle and would not have that cinnamon bun, sandwich or pasta lunch. But why is that? What’s the harm in gluten really? Well, actually the real problem in this food equation is the wheat and what we have done to it in recent years. Have you ever thought of wheat as a genetically modified organism? Guess what, it is and this is the reason why so many people get gut issues and inflammation from it.
How and why we live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle
Inflammation is something way too common in our bodies these days and fighting it through an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is what we are aiming for every day when it comes to our health. Once you understand how to, it is easy to every day make choices that boost your health rather than feed inflammation. Here is how and why we aim for this every day.
Meditation – why and how to get started!
Do you ever feel that your brain needs some rest or that your mind chatter is taking control over you? Well no wonder, with the busy schedules most of us operate under today. The number one key to taking back control of your mind and improve your focus is definitely meditaion. This post will teach you how to get started.
Blue Zone – become a centurion!
Blue Zones are regions of the world where people tend to live much longer than average. Their main attributes of longevity are social relationships, food and some form of daily exercise and movement. There are actually quite a few simple things you too can do to be living like the Blue Zones and I will share my tips in this post.