Life on your terms means having the courage to go get it. Not being stopped by fear or of what others might think. You have one shot a life and I recommend you make the most of it by facing your fears with courage. On the other side of fear is life the way it should be enjoyed and lived and it is only one small step away…
Helping the local Nicaraguan kids to dream!
Whilst spending some time in Nicaragua (a poor country in Central America), we decided to try and make a difference. So we started volunteering in the local village where we were living at the time. A big challenge was to get these kids to dream but we were very happy with the end result and what the kids had accomplished.
To Measure Is To Know!
Measure everything in your life where you want to make progress. If you don’t, how will you ever know if you are on the right path or when you are there? There are some simple ways to do this. The first step is of course to know where you want to go in life and what your goals are. Then you need to make sure you have measurable goals so that you know when you are making progress and start gaining momentum. This is a great way to measure your progress.
Boost your results!
If you want to gain more momentum, boost your results and make things happen even faster, this post is for you! Know what you want and learn from the best! The first thing to do is to make sure that the goal you are focusing on is BIG and that you are really committed to taking massive but organized action to get there! If you are, then I would recommend that […]
What glasses are you wearing and why?
You choose what you want to see and experience so make sure to always be wearing the “right” glasses :)! Yesterday we we switching location to another place and the following so called eventualities happened within the next couple of hours: