I want you to eat healthy and live a long and happy life and what is better than knowing that you will have both your health and money in your account when retirement comes?!!! Just be smart about where you do your grocery shopping and pocket the difference. The difference I see per month is 180 USD and if that instead were to be invested every month for the next 30 years and the average return is 10% per annum, we are talking about a potential 355,000 USD to your retirement fund!
We need your help – improving a friend’s financial situation!
We need your input! I am trying to help a friend of mine with her financial situation and as we are running out of ideas I would really like to hear your suggestions too..! A friend of mine has limited finances and we are of course trying to make the most out of them but sometimes a helping hand is needed. I will start by giving you the background, what […]
How to save +1000 USD in a few hours!
It is so easy to save +1000 USD in a couple of hours that I am amazed by the fact that so few people seem to make sure they do it. It is not about skipping your daily coffee or anything like that (that alone would take you quite long to save +1000 USD). The cool thing is that you can do all of this online so if you are not comfortable doing it over the phone, there is no need! The solution involves a comparison site and here are the key things to make sure you check!
The 4% rule to FIRE!
The 4% rule or the Safety Withdrawal Rule (SWR) is often used in the Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) community.
It is more a rule of thumb rather than a fixed rule, but one that many are using in order to have a clear number of the amount they would need to retire early. In this post I will go through the rule a bit more in detail, where it came from as well as some of the pros and cons. Using this concept makes it easy to have a clear goal of how much money you will need to be able to Retire Early!
FIRE aspirants – winners in falling markets!
FIRE aspirants will always be winners in falling markets, as long as the market performs over time, since they are in the accumulation phase towards FI!
The key thing is that you are consistent with your strategy of reaching FI and that you feel that your strategy is right for you.
I will show a couple of charts, acting as a reminder of history which might help you with your decisions, especially if you invest by the 4% rule and for the long-term….