I know that finding your passion can be a challenge, I have been there myself… If you are in that position of trying to figure out what it is you “should” be spending your time on, I have created a structure for you to do just that in a simple manner.
This technique of asking oneself (or have a close friend or two to help you out) a few questions has worked very well for me. If you follow these steps and take appropriate action, I am sure you will both find and nurture your passion until it becomes crystal clear what it is that you are supposed to do.
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Finding your passion is finding your greatness and nurturing it
The first step is to get your notebook out (if you don’t have one, I recommend you buy one and always have it handy, yes the old-fashioned way!) if you do refuse… use your computer or your phone.
Write down your first spontaneous answers to this question (they are probably the right ones):
Which five things are you great at that come naturally and you enjoy doing?
Five is a minimum but the more the better! If you want to you can download our template here: Finding your passion. Just think about what friends and family tend to ask you about and you love helping them with. Or situations in which others compliment you for your skill etc. and where you do it passionately. If you really can’t come up with anything, call a friend and ask them to answer the question for you but make sure you inform them you must get their honest answers!
Another thing you can do is to think about what your parents or relatives say about you today using this (or a similar) phrase: “that is so you”. Very often it is a trait we have used all our lives and which came very naturally when we were young and didn’t have all these “filters” we tend to have now. As adults, we are often trying to fit in and change our behavior accordingly but it is not our true nature and that essence of what truly is you is exactly what we are looking for when finding your passion!
I am great at:
When you have written down these five things you are great at, go back to number one and write down WHY you are great at that and HOW it expresses itself and make sure you think and reflect before writing this part down! Where does it come from, do you think about it or you just make it happen? Has it always been easy for you, have you helped a lot of other people with this and what is it that you actually do to make it a greatness of yours? Yepp, write it all down, anything which comes to mind, just let your pen glow and let it flow!
You have to make sure you are listening to your inner voice, not the voice in your head!
My personal reflections on finding your passion
What I realized some time after having done this exercise was that there was actually a clear pattern through all of my life. I just hadn’t noticed it before! If you check out the About Section, my story is there but in short: this whole platform is a result of me connecting the dots of my life.
I have always been into sports my whole life and been very competitive. So the concept of having visions and goals has always been a part of me. Something I have brought with me into anything and everything I have done. As a young boy, I wanted to become a bank branch manager so I used to wear a tie to school along with my briefcase that I got when I was about 8 years of age. I was always thinking about money and loved counting them. I then started investing in the stock market when I was 13 years old and soon thereafter I started taking care of my parents’ investments.
This clear focus together with my competitiveness led me all the way to working for an investment bank in London. Although I must confess that this life and my full-on dedication and competitiveness took its toll on my body and I got, what multiple doctors called, an incurable illness. Desperation led to inspiration! I switched my focus to me and my health and away from money and career. It took a few years of trial and error and adaptation but my illness is no more! If you want to know more, check out the post on How and why we live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.
On this platform I am using my personal knowledge and expertise (as well as others’) to give you the tools and resources to take charge of your life and future so you don’t have to make the same mistakes I did before realizing the importance of health. By living a life with awareness, one can and should still have visions and goals, understand money and finance and of course take care of ones health, all this will result in an harmonious life.
Visions, goals and money (wealth) have been part of my life all my life and they will always be. The main difference is that I now intend to use these skills in a different way which means that you don’t have to spend 30 years learning and making the same mistakes as I have. There are much smarter ways and they are all presented here!
Leverage your greatness!
Now, to start finding your passion, I want you to read through everything you have written down from the first section and then think about what you could do to use most of those strengths of yours at the same time AND simultaneously be making money! Depending on your current situation, it can be finding Side Hustles (making money on the side using a passion of yours without quitting your day-to-day job) or your own business, it is completely up to you!
When you start doing something you really enjoy, you will “find” or actually nurture your passion. Often it is not something that just drops down in our laps, we have to work for it. If we are open, trying new things and making sure to spend as much time as we possibly can doing the things we love, passion will find you!
Write down as many “businesses” or situations as you can think of in which you can use all or most of your skills at the same time. If you need some inspiration, have a look at our Side Hustle Section. This is a great way to start and hopefully you will find some inspiration! If you get stuck on this point BUT you have your five things (minimum) written down, drop me a message and I will give you a few ideas (yes for free)!
If you have not done so already, I would also recommend you to get my free e-book “Where am I heading” for even more inspiration and guidance in finding your passion. When you have read the book, written down your thoughts, it should then be pretty clear what you want out of life! I would also recommend that you read my post on why you must have a Gratitude Journal!
So if you are ready to get going with your new life, just click here to get started. Follow the process and let us help you start living your life on your terms!
Every journey starts with one small step, I recommend you take it today and never look back!
– Jakob
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