Everything we have ever experienced or created in our lives started with a thought. Had we not had that specific thought in the first place, we would never have come as far as to actually experience it. Thoughts are the beginning of everything!
Visualize and Dream!
By setting your own visions and goals in life and planning for your future, you will have to create those thoughts as a first step. In a world which is constantly changing it is easy to get overwhelmed and when that happens, our brains start running us on autopilot. Our bodies just do what they have always done and it happens without the involvement of our conscious mind. It has just become another habit. These habits then take over our lives and we become our habits. Our habits are based on something from the past and we keep doing the same thing over and over and over again.
If we don’t take control, our entire lives will be running on autopilot and when that happens, we will not be happy and for sure not living fulfilled lives. To be able to live life on our terms, we have to be in control and not just reactive to what is happening to us and all the external impulses we are constantly getting.
If you truly want to live life on your terms, the first step is knowing where it is that you want to go. Then you can start visualize. You have to take some time to actually reflect upon what you want out of your life and what it means to you to live life on your terms.
It all starts with those thoughts and you are the only one who can create them in your mind and then decide what you want your future to be like. In the section, Visions & Goals, we will help you through the process of taking the time to think, reflect and then write down what you really want.
By following our structure and implementing the tools, techniques and resources presented in this section you will soon start to experience positive changes in your life. The more you do, the more dedicated you become and the faster and more obvious results you will see!
Let’s embark on your new journey and start setting your goals in life!
First take a moment to reflect on the below…
If I were to put you on a ship in the middle of the Atlantic with no engine, no captain and no GPS, where would this ship go?

– Well, you would have no clue… you would drift around based on the weather, wind and current!!
Now, if I were to put you on the same ship but the ship would have an engine, a captain and a GPS, where would you then head?
– It would take you to the exact location you would want to go!!
Why having Visions & Goals?
Why is the above story relevant or even remotely important you might ask yourself, but the above could be a metaphor of your life. Your life is that ship and the big question is whether you are using a captain and a GPS at all? Or if you are just floating around hoping that one day you will arrive at that beautiful and tropical island you have been dreaming of (or landing that job/partner/house/car you really want!).
If you have goals in life and take action towards reaching them, you are of course much more likely to actually reach them, compared to if you don’t set yourself any goals at all nor take any action…
Have you ever heard about an Olympic gold medalist who said that they did not have a goal with their training? Or who does not visualize them happening? No? I didn’t think so. They might not reach their goals (every time) but by aiming and going for it, at least they will have a chance of reaching that goal! Even if they don’t reach it they will come out with more strength, knowledge and experience for next time!
Hopefully it’s now clear as to why you must have goals in life and we should all have them in every important area of our lives (these areas don’t have to be the same for everyone but many will be)!
How does it work?
We have divided the Visions & Goals section into three parts. If you follow them, one step at the time, your future path will become much more clear and before you even know it, you will be well on your way of making it your reality!
Unfortunately I can’t make it happen for you. They are your dreams and goals in life and you will have to be the one to make decisions, visualize and take action in order to change your life into how you want it to be! However, we have made sure to make this process as easy for you as possible.
My commitment to you is to do my out most to add value to you by providing the best tools and resources to make your envisioned future a reality as fast as humanly possible!
Actions to take:
- Just follow our structure on Vision & Goals!
- Start visualize your ideal future!
– Jakob
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