Is there really any point in visualizing and having a vision board or is it just a waste of time, money and energy?
You could ask Michael Phelps or lots of other superstars or you can just read this post and you will be up to speed as I am living according to what my vision board looked like six months ago!
Prefer watching? Watch post in YouTube
Let me first explain what a vision board is and why one should start visualizing
A vision board is just a big board with lots of pictures of things or events which the person who created the vision board would like to have in their lives. So anything you might want in your life, you would put on your vision board. This means that you can make it as narrow or as broad as you wish in order to suit your ideal life situation.
Ideally the vision board should be put in a place where you can see it every day (several times per day). This is how you start visualizing. You should spend dedicated time every day, looking at those pictures and try to generate the feeling you would have if you were in the situation of that exact picture you are looking at (imagine being, feeling, doing etc.). For every picture you should do the same, find that exact emotion and experience it as if it had already happened to you. This part is crucial, you have to fix it in your mind and combine it with the right feeling to really manifest it in your whole body. By doing so, one way or another you will for sure be open to the possibilities that will arise to take you to those visions.
Why would one put one of these on their wall?
The idea behind the vision board and the concept of visualizing is the same as for world athletes (Olympians use imagery as mental training). You want to be constantly reminded in a vivid way exactly what is going to happen at some point in the future (like winning an Olympic gold medal) and you want to have that feeling now. By doing so, you are constantly reminding yourself and your subconscious of what is going to happen.
The point is that the images you have put on your board will increase the likelihood of you experiencing those things in the future as you will be drawn in the direction of experiencing them in real life. By spending time looking at and feeling the emotions those pictures create (visualizing), you are opening your mind and heart to new possibilities, which will lead you in the right direction.
What’s the worst that could happen?
Every day you see pictures of things or happenings you would love to see in your real life and maybe they don’t happen. Would it really be that bad if you started every day with a big smile on your face after looking at your vision board. I personally think that would be the start of a day most people would love to have, instead of stressing away to a job thinking about everything they have to do that day.
What’s the best that could happen?
Well, you make them all come true!!
The picture below (sorry about the poor quality) is from my vision board, showing a map of Nicaragua, the church in Granada, some palm trees and in the right hand corner you can see a picture from an eco-lodge just outside of Granada.
The picture below was taken just a couple of days ago and shows the view of the place where I am currently living:)…. Not sure if you realized but it is the exact same place as was on my vision board above (right hand corner)!! Yes, I have been visualizing this for a while…
I updated my vision board about six months ago and this is an extract from it back then. By looking and reminding myself of this every day, I am 100% sure it will make me move in that direction and stay open for the opportunities which will come my way, or I will create those opportunities. It’s a way of goal setting but pictures are much more effective than just written goals (though written goals are better than no goals of course!).
By having it on my wall and visualizing it, I am strengthening my own belief in me having/doing those things and that will make me take action, which is exactly what has happened.
Every day (several times) I was reminded about moving to Nicaragua, regardless of what people told me: it’s not going to be good for your career, it’s dangerous, what are you going to do, what if you get sick, it’s too far away, what are others going to think etc…
Because of my visualizing I was able to stay focused and increase my commitment and finding a way of making it happen. Had it happened anyway? Maybe, but it was on my vision board and every morning now when doing my morning routines, I get that exact feeling which I was having at home when looking at this exact picture, which I am now experiencing live!
So, yes, I believe in visualizing, always have and always will. Will I continue to do it, of course, why wouldn’t I?!
Another teaser of what’s on my Vision Board:
I completely agree with Gates, that you have to do something online and that’s why I am in the process of setting up an online company. The company is registered but the site is not yet ready so I will get back to you on that one but it’s work in progress. The other part is Amazon and e-books. I have written one (available for free here on my blog) and there are a few more in the making and at least one of them will also be available on Amazon as a Kindle book potentially printed version as well.
You can call it whatever you want but I am making my vision board happening so I honestly don’t see any reason why you should not have one as well, making your dreams come true!
Actions to take:
- Set your goals and dreams (hopefully you have already done this)
- Create your own vision board and start visualizing
- Learn about the importance of autosuggestion
- Use it and let it impact your subconscious mind so that it works for you
- Learn how to create a great new habit
- Use it as part of your amazing morning routines
So go to IKEA (or wherever) and buy a cork plate, find some appealing and inspiring pictures on your computer, print them, put them up and make them happen!!
– Jakob